Saturday, December 24, 2011

I Bought Running Shoes Online For My First Serious Running Event

About six months ago I decided to shop for running shoes online. It was nearing my thirtieth birthday, and I decided I wanted to run in a 5K to celebrate. I'm sure thirty doesn't seem old to many people, but to me it seemed overwhelming. How could my twenties have gone so quickly?! So, needless to say, I knew if I would be doing a lot of running, I was going to need a Flying angry bird good running shoe.The first thing I decided to do was a little online research for the best running shoes for women. I found that a trusted running Air Swimmers magazine had recently tested out twenty running shoes to find the best of the best. Through reading the article, I noticed several recommendations that caught my eye. For one thing, there was a definite trend as to which brands were the best. Another helpful thing about the article was reading about different things to look for in the shoe, some of which I may never have thought of on my own, such as the fit around the rc flying shark heel, the give and take of the cushion, the motion control, and the actual bulk of the shoe.Once I knew more of what I was looking for in a shoe, I decided it was time to shop for my running shoes online. I started by narrowing my search down to the three brands I liked the most from the article: Adidas, Asics, and New Balance. But even after narrowing my search down to those brands, I still faced a daunting six hundred and some odd number of shoes to choose from. So my next thought was my budget. Even though running this 5K was a big goal of mine, I knew I could not blow my budget on a pair of shoes. So I added price as another parameter to my search, and this narrowed my choices down to a little over four hundred. My final limitation to my search was concerning motion control. This was something I had noticed in the article I read; I thought it would really help me as I trained for the 5K. Finally, my online search was down to just twelve pairs of running shoes.After all my searching, I chose the Asics Women's Gel-Foundation 8 Running Shoe. An added bonus for me was the look of this shoe; it even had accents in my favorite color. Once the shoes arrived, I began my training. All of my shopping for running shoes online and training for the run paid off when I completed my first 5K this past weekend. What a great way to enter into my thirties!

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1 comment:

  1. Brilliant description about running shoes.There are many online portal provides branded shoes at a great market price.
