Friday, December 2, 2011

Invest in your Logo

Let me tell you a secret: the logo is the most important representation of your company. You might be grinning because you think that this is no secret. Well, think again. This article will give you a new insight to logo design. After reading this article, you would look at logos like you never looked at them before.When you think of the word 'logo' what comes to mind? What are the companies that immediately come led light bulbs to your mind? Nike, McDonalds, Guess, Apple, IBM, Intel, etc. Chances are you thought of at least one of these companies. Do you know why? Well because most successful companies invest significant resources in the creation and application of their logo. All the logo mentioned have something in common: they follow the principles of good design.Did you know that there are certain rules that graphic designers follow in creating logos? These rules help logos do what they are intended to do which is to memorably represent your brand.Here are some basics of a good logo design:You don't have billions of dollars to invest in a great logo. A good logo is an asset to any organization that would be with you until your business exists. The main idea behind a logo is to help people remember your company and set it apart from your competitors. A professional and well established logo means that your company is reputable and established - it helps people trust your organization and that will help you attract more clients and constituents.Now consider all the marketing collaterals that your logo might appear on - on your business card, company letterhead, poster printing, signage, promotional giveaways, newsletters and advertising. Also, don't forget your websites. It goes without saying that your logo should be prominently displayed in all the places that there would Nail Sticker potential to be seen.Finally let's figure out why your company needs to have a logo. Bear in mind that your logo's unique features communicate how it is different from other companies. This differentiation helps your customers set you apart from the rest. For instance, a swoosh is definitely different from other logo designs. This makes your clients understand why they should select your organization over the others.In all of this, your logo is your distinguishing feature. It is a mole on a person's face or a birthmark on someone's torso – a logo is a distinguishing mark that will set your business apart. Your logo is like a distinguishing feature when you are designing custom poster printing. Keep it simple and recognizable. It should work the same way as a poster printing – it should stand out.

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